Shipping and Returns

How Long Does Shipping Take?

Shipping times vary based on your location. Most orders arrive within 1 to 12 business days, depending on the destination country. For exact shipping details and delivery times, please refer to our Shipping Policy page.

Do You Offer Free Shipping?

Yes, we offer free expedited shipping on all orders, no matter where you are in the world! You can enjoy fast delivery at no extra cost to you.

Are There Any Duties or Customs Fees?

No, there are no additional duties or customs fees for orders shipped from us. The price you see at checkout is the total cost, and we cover any applicable shipping fees. Enjoy your purchase without worrying about hidden costs!

Can I Change My Shipping Address After Placing an Order?

If you need to change your shipping address, please contact us as soon as possible. We can make changes only before the order has been shipped. Once the order is dispatched, we are unable to modify the address.

What Happens If My Package Is Delayed?

Occasionally, shipping delays can occur due to customs clearance, weather conditions, or carrier issues. If your package is delayed, please check the tracking information for updates. If there is no movement after 7 business days, contact our support team for assistance.

How Do I Track My Order?

Once your order is shipped, you’ll receive an email with a tracking number. To track your package, simply click on the tracking number in the email or copy and paste it into the courier's tracking site.

Can I Return or Exchange My Jersey?

Due to the nature of our mystery products, returns and exchanges are only accepted for items that arrive damaged or defective. Please contact us within 7 days of receiving your order if you encounter any issues, and we’ll arrange a replacement or refund.


How Do You Ensure the Authenticity of Your Products?

We are committed to offering only 100% authentic products. Our jerseys are sourced directly from trusted clubs, nations, and reputable brands, ensuring that every item meets our high-quality standards. Each product undergoes a meticulous inspection process to guarantee its authenticity before being shipped to you. For more details, please refer to our Authenticity Guarantee page.

How Can I Select Clubs or Nations to Avoid?

To enhance your mystery experience, you can choose up to 5 clubs or nations to avoid before adding a product to your cart. Simply enter your selections in the designated text box. This allows us to customize your order and ensure you receive a mystery jersey that fits your preferences while keeping the element of surprise intact. For additional information, please refer to this How to Select Clubs and Nations page.

Is There a Size Chart Available for Each Product?

Yes, each relevant product includes an attached size chart. This allows you to easily determine the best size for your jersey. Please refer to the size chart to ensure a perfect fit!

What Types of Products Do You Offer?

We specialize in mystery jerseys, providing a diverse selection of jerseys, shorts, and scarves from various leagues and teams worldwide. Our collection includes both men's and kids' sizes, ensuring there's something for every fan. For detailed product specifications, please refer to our product pages.